Find Concepts and Auto-Code

Let ATLAS.ti find relevant concepts for you. Review them in context and auto code.

This function is available for all interface languages

What makes a concept?

In a first step, the significant noun phrases (for example, health care system) are detected in order to identify the most frequently occurring concepts in the data. In the second step, the concepts and their frequencies are collected across all files in the set being processed.

ATLAS.ti actively filters the concepts — only the most relevant concepts are presented in the results. You can review the concepts in their surrounding context in the Quotation Reader, and then decide which concepts you want to be coded automatically.

You can search for concepts in documents, document groups, codes or code groups for concepts.

To start a concept analysis, from the main menu select Analysis / Concepts Table.

From the dropdown menu select where you want to search (documents, document groups, codes or code groups). Then select one or multiple documents, document groups, codes, or code groups.

Starting a concept analysis As soon as you select an entity, ATLAS.ti begins to analyse the data. The results are displayed in form of a word cloud. Optional you can also view the result as list. Just change the view option to List.

Concepts analysis - results If you hoover over a concept or select it, the noun phrases it is based upon are displayed. If you click on a concept or any of the noun phrases, the data surrounding the concept / noun phrase are shown on the right-hand side in the Quotation Reader.

Concepts analysis - display concept in context

If you find something interesting that you want to code, click on the Code with Concept button in the toolbar.

Concepts analysis - auto code results