Predefined Reports

Predefined reports are essentially a shortcut for creating text or PDF reports from Managers. You find a Generate Report menu entry under the main menu for Document, Quotation, Code, Memo and Network.

After selecting an option, you see the same window when selecting the Export as Report option in the Managers, as has been described in Creating Reports. The only difference is that the fitting options have already been selected for you. You can add further options to the report.

For Documents

For quotations, you have the following predefined reports:

  • Documents and Groups: A report that contains all documents and their type, and the groups they are a member of.
  • Document Groups and Members: A report that contains all document groups and their members.

For Quotations

For quotations, you have the following predefined reports:

  • Quotations by Document: A report that contains all quotations with their content and comments including the document name
  • Quotations by Codes: A report that contains all quotations with their content including the document name for each code
  • Hyperlinks with Comments: A report that contains all hyperlinks. Included are the quotation ID, the reference, the quotation and document name for both source and target quotation, and the relation linking the two.

For Codes

For codes, you have the following predefined reports:

  • Codebook: A report that contains all codes and their comments. If you want to add a code book to the appendix of a thesis or a report, we recommend using the spreadsheet option.
  • Codes by Documents: A report that contains all codes and their comments, sorted by documents in which they occur.
  • Code Groups and Members: A report that contains all code groups and their members.

For Memos

For memos, you have the following predefined reports:

  • Memos with Content: Creates a report that contains all memos including the creating and modifying user, the content and comment.
  • Memos with Content and Linked Quotations: Creates a report that contains all memos including the creating and modifying user, the content, comment, and all linked quotations (ID, reference, name and document name). You may want to add the quotation content as well.
  • Memos and Groups: A report that contains all memo groups and their members.
  • Memo Links: A report that contains a list of memo-code links.

For Networks

For networks, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Code-Code Links with Comments: Creates a report that contains a list of code-code links including the relation name and- comments.