Exploring Text Data

A quick way to get a feeling for the content of text documents is by creating a word cloud or word list.

Word lists offer word "crunching" capabilities for a simple quantitative content analysis. This feature creates a list of word frequency counts, and some additional metrics like word length, and percentage of occurrence within or across all selected entities. Word lists can be exported to Excel.

Word clouds are a method for visually presenting text data. They are popular for text analysis because they make it easy to spot word frequencies. The more frequent the work is used, the larger and bolder it is displayed. Word clouds can be exported as image.

Word clouds and word lists can be created for:

  • documents and document groups
  • quotations
  • content of quotations by code and code group

A stop and go list including a list of 'ignorable' characters can be used to control the analysis. Words can also be temporarily removed from a list or cloud without the need to add them to a stop list.

For information see Creating Word Lists and Clouds.

Word Cloud