Creating Reports

Export as Spreadsheet

In every manager, you find a button (the rectangular icon with an up arrow) to export the content as spreadsheet. The export is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type of report. All columns currently displayed are exported.

Create Report

From Managers

To exclude a column from the report, click on the column header and deselect it.

To create a report, open the drop-down menu of the report button in the toolbar and select Export as Spreadsheet.

Use the grouping options to create different sheets for each of the selected entity, e.g. if you group a quotation report by codes, ATLAS.ti creates a separate sheet for each code and its quotation in the spreadsheet or Excel file.

From the Query Tool

To create a report, open the drop-down menu of the report button in the toolbar and select Export as Spreadsheet.

From the Quotation Reader

To export the quotations listed in a Quotation Reader as spreadsheet, open the drop-down of the options button in the toolbar and select Export as Spreadsheet. The content of the report is the same as from the Quotation Manager. It contains all columns from the Quotation Manager.

Info Sheet for Spreadsheet / Excel Reports

All spreadsheet / Excel reports have an additional sheet that shows meta information like the type of the report, the project name, date of export and name of exporting user.

The info sheets for reports based on the Code Document- and the Code Co-occurrence Table, and Inter-coder Agreement Analysis contain further information.

  • abbreviations that are used

  • Code Document Table: Information about which relative frequency count is used

  • Code Co-occurrence Table: whether the c-coefficient was selected

  • ICA reports: coder names

Export as Report

When using this option, you get a report in text or PDF format. It is available form all managers and the query tool. The report is configurable, this means you can select what it should contain. Before you create the report, you see a preview.

Report options

Open a Manager. Click on the drop-down menu of the report button in the toolbar and select Export as Report.

On the left-hand side you see how the report looks like given the current selections. On the right-hand side, you can select further options:

  • Filter: If you selected items before clicking on the report button, you can switch between creating a report for only the selected or all items.

  • Grouping: Depending on the entity type you have different grouping options, e.g. by code, code group or document. Select a grouping option if appropriate.

If you select to group quotations by code, and a quotation is coded by multiple codes groups, the quotations for this code will occur multiple times in the report.
If you select to group by code groups, and a code is a member of multiple code groups, the quotations for this code will occur multiple times in the report.

  • Report options: In this field, you can select which content should be displayed in the report. As soon as you select an option, you see in the preview how it will look like in the report. See below for further detail.

  • Save: This saves the report as Word document. Select a name for the report and a location.

  • Print: You can send the report directly to a printer and print it, or you can save it as PDF file. Other options are:

    • Save as PostScript
    • Send in Mail
    • Send via Messages
    • Save to iCloud Drive
    • Save to Web Receipts

Options in the Document Manager

  • Type of Content: text, image, geo, audio or video

  • Add the Creating & Modifying User to the report.

  • Quotations: Adds the quotations that are in the document (ID, reference, quotation name, and document name). If selected, you can add further information about the quotations(s) from the sub-tree, e.g. their content and the codes that are applied.

  • Codes: Adds the codes that are applied to the quotations in the document. If selected, you can add further information about the code(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Groups: Adds the document groups that a document is a member of. If selected, you can add further information about the groups from the sub-tree.

  • Content: Adds the content of the document.

  • Comments: Adds the comment you have written for a document to the report.

Options in the Quotation Manager

  • Type of Content: text, image, geo, audio or video

  • Add the Creating & Modifying User to the report.

  • in Document: Adds the document name to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the document from the sub-tree.

  • Coding: Adds the codes that are applied to the quotation to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the code(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Hyperlinks: (see the main manual). Adds quotations that are linked to a quotation to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the linked quotations from the sub-tree, like their content.

  • Linked Memos: (see the main manual). Adds the memo(s) that are linked to the quotation to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the memo from the sub-tree, like the memo content.

  • Content: Is selected by default. If selected, the content of the quotation is displayed.

  • Comments: Adds the comment you have written for a quotation to the report.

Options in the Code Manager

  • Add the Creating & Modifying User to the report.

  • Used in Documents: Adds the documents where the code has been applied. If selected, you can add further information about the document(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Groups: Adds the groups that a code is a member of. If selected, you can add further information about the group(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Linked Codes: Adds the codes that are linked to a code. If selected, you can add further information about the linked code(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Quotations: Adds a list of quotations coded by the code (ID, reference, quotation name, and document name). If selected, you can add further information about the quotations(s) from the sub-tree, e.g. their content.

  • Linked Memos: (see the main manual). Adds the memos that are linked to a code to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the memo from the sub-tree, like the memo content.

  • Comments: Adds the comment you have written for a code to the report.

Options in the Memo Manager

  • Add the Creating & Modifying User to the report.

  • Groups: Adds the groups that a memo is a member of. If selected, you can add further information about the group(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Linked Codes: Adds the codes that are linked to a memo. If selected, you can add further information about the linked code(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Linked Quotations: Adds a list of quotations linked to the memo (ID, reference, quotation name, and document name). If selected, you can add further information about the quotations(s) from the sub-tree, e.g. their content.

  • Linked Memos: (see the main manual). Adds the memos that are linked to a memo to the report. If selected, you can add further information about the memo from the sub-tree, like the memo content.

  • Content: Adds the memo content to the report.

  • Comments: Adds the comment you have written for a memo to the report.

Options in the Network Manager

  • Add the Creating & Modifying User to the report.

  • Groups: Adds the groups that a network is a member of. If selected, you can add further information about the group(s) from the sub-tree.

  • Comments: Adds the comment you have written for a network to the report.

Predefined Reports

Predefined reports are essentially a shortcut for creating text or PDF reports from Managers. You find a Generate Report menu entry under the main menu for Document, Quotation, Code, Memo and Network.

After selecting an option, you see the same window when selecting the Export as Report option in the Managers, as has been described above. The only difference is that the fitting options have already been selected for you. You can add further options to the report.

For Documents

For quotations, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Documents and Groups: A report that contains all documents and their type, and the groups they are a member of.
  • Document Groups and Members: A report that contains all document groups and their members.

For Quotations

For quotations, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Quotations by Document: A report that contains all quotations with their content and comments including the document name
  • Quotations by Codes: A report that contains all quotations with their content including the document name for each code
  • Hyperlinks with Comments: A report that contains all hyperlinks. Included are the quotation ID, the reference, the quotation and document name for both source and target quotation, and the relation linking the two.

For Codes

For codes, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Codebook: A report that contains all codes and their comments. If you want to add a code book to the appendix of a thesis or a report, we recommend using the spreadsheet option. See Example Reports.
  • Codes by Documents: A report that contains all codes and their comments, sorted by documents in which they occur.
  • Code Groups and Members: A report that contains all code groups and their members.

For Memos

For memos, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Creates a report that contains a list of all documents and their group membership
  • Creates a report that contains all document groups with their members

For Networks

For memos, you have the following pre-defined reports:

  • Creates a report that contains a list of all documents and their group membership
  • Creates a report that contains all document groups with their members