About this Manual

This manual describes the concepts and functions of ATLAS.ti.

It is not required that you read the manual sequentially from the beginning to the end. Feel free to skip sections that describe concepts you are already familiar with, jump directly to sections that describe functions you are interested in, or simply use it as a reference guide to look up information on certain key features.

For users with no prior knowledge of ATLAS.ti, we do, however, recommend that you especially read through the first part of this manual in order to become familiar with the concepts used by ATLAS.ti and to gain an overview of the available functions. These are the chapters: The VISE Principle, ATLAS.ti - The Knowledge Workbench, and Main Steps in Working with ATLAS.ti.

Further, to set up a project, we recommended that you read:

For all basic-level work like creating quotations, coding, and writing memos, consult the chapters under the main heading:

Advanced functions are described under:

The sequence of the chapters follows the steps that are necessary to start and work on an ATLAS.ti project: First, the main concepts that ATLAS.ti utilizes are explained; next, an overview of all available tools is provided. These introductory and more theoretically-oriented parts are followed by more practically-oriented chapters providing step-by-step instructions. You will learn how to manage your data and how to set up and start a project. Once a project is set up, the basic functions such as coding, text search, auto-coding, writing memos, etc. become relevant. Conceptual-level functions such as the network editor, the Query Tool and the Co-occurrence tools build on the data-level work (at least in most cases) and are therefore described last.

The section Useful Resources offers some useful advice on how to get support and where to find further information on the software.

How to Use this Manual

This manual is intended for:

  • Those who have no prior knowledge of ATLAS.ti
  • Those who have worked with a previous version.

Some general familiarity with concepts and procedures relating to the Windows operating system and computing in general (e.g., files, folders, paths) is assumed.

This is largely a technical document. You should not expect any detailed discussion of methodological aspects of qualitative research other than cursory statements from this manual.

Useful Resources for Getting Started

To those seeking in-depth instruction on methodological aspects, the ATLAS.ti Training Center offers a full complement of dedicated ATLAS.ti training events worldwide, both through online courses and face-to-face seminars in nearly all parts of the world. Visit the Training Center at https://training.atlasti.com.