Code-Document Table

You can use the Code-Document Table for within and across documents or group comparisons by relating codes or code groups and documents or document groups to each other.

The table cells contain:

  • frequency count of the number of codings. This can be different from the number of quotations, if a quotation is coded by multiple codes. Counted is each link between a code and a quotation.

  • word count of the quotations coded by the selected code or code group.

Running an Analysis in the Code-Document Table

In the Home ribbon, select the Analyze tab and from there the Code Document Table.

Select codes or code groups for the table rows. The selected codes / code groups are added to the table.

Select documents or document groups for the table columns. The selected documents / document groups are added to the table.

How to make selections: To select an item, you need to click the check-box in front of it. It is also possible to select multiple items via the standard selection techniques using the Ctrl or Shift-key. After highlighting multiple items, push the space bar to activate the check boxes of all selected items, or right click and chose Check Selected.

Example Code-Document Tabe

How to read the table

By default, the codes / code groups are displayed in the left column, and the documents / document groups in the top row.

Left column

  • Next to each code, the number indicates how often the code is applied in the entire project.

  • Next to a code group, you see two numbers: The first one tells you how many codes are in the group, the second numbers gives you the number of codings. This is different from the number of quotations, as multiple codes from the same code group could be linked to the same quotation.

Top row

  • Below a document, you see the total number of quotations in each document.

  • Below a document group, you see two numbers: the first one tells you how many documents are in the document group, and the second number gives you the number of quotations for all documents in the group.

The additional information you get for each selected row or column item allows you to better evaluate the numbers inside the table cells. If the value in the table cell is 10, but the code overall was applied 100 times, this leads to a different interpretation as if the code was only applied 12 times in the entire project.

Table cells

  • The results in the table cells show how often each selected code was (or the codes of a code group were) applied in each document or document group. Counted are the number of codings, unless you select to count words (see options).

  • If you click on a cell in the table, the quotation content is shown in the Quotation Reader on the left-hand side.

  • Below the table a Sankey Diagram is shown. You can see both at the same time, or view either the table or the Sankey Diagram. See below.

Code-Document Table Options

Code-Document Table Options

Show Lists: If you only want to see the table and not the selection lists, deactivate this option. This is useful of you have a small screen.

Show Table / Show Sankey diagram: You can display both the table and the Sankey Diagram, or only the table or the Sankey diagram.

Colors: You can choose among three colors for the table cells (blue, red and green), a color map, and no coloring. If you select a color or the color map, the table cells are colored in different shades.

Refresh: If you make modifications to your codings while the table is open, you can click the Refresh option to update the results.

Row Totals: Display the row total table (default).

Column Totals: Display the column total in the table (default).

Normalize: If documents are of unequal length, or document groups of unequal size, the absolute frequencies might be misleading as a measure of comparison. Indicative are the total number of quotations in a document or document group (see first row).

If you normalize the data the number of codings are adjusted. As benchmark, the document / document group column or row with the highest total is used. For example, if you compare two documents, and the total number of codings for the first document is 100 and for the second document it is 50, then all codings of the second document are multiplied by 100/50 = 2. See Code Document Table: Normalizing Data.

Binarize: This option reduces all cell values to 0 and 1. It shows whether a code, or codes of a code group, occur or do not occur in a document, or a document group. If they occur a black dot is shown; if not, the cell is empty. This makes it easier to identify patterns in the data.

Binarized Code-Document Table

When you export the table to Excel, the dots are turned into 1s and the empty cells into 0s. This allows, for example, a discriminant analysis to be carried out in a statistical program.

Absolute Frequencies: The table cells show the number of codings. This is the number of times a code is linked to a quotation. For single codes the number of codings is the same as the number of quotations, but for code groups it can differ if codes that are in the same code group have been applied to the same quotation.

Relative Frequencies:

  • Column Rel.-Frequencies: The table cells show relative frequencies based on the column cells. The total of each column will add up to 100%.
  • Row Rel.-Frequencies: The table cells show relative frequencies based on the row cells. The total of each row will add up to 100%.
  • Table Rel.-Frequencies: Display relative frequencies based on all codes used in the table. The totals of all row and column codes will add up to 100%.

Code-Document Table displaying rel. row frequencies

Count Codings: Count the number of times a code has been applied to a quotation. Please note, the number of codings can be higher than the number of quotations if code groups are used as you can apply multiple codes to one quotation.

Count Words: Count the words of the quotations coded by the selected code, or the codes of the selected code group.

Compress: This is a quick way to remove all rows or columns that only show empty cells. This is the same as manually deactivating codes or documents that yield no results. Thus, you cannot "uncompress" a table.

Codes as Rows: Display all selected codes / code groups in the rows of the table.

Codes as Columns: Display all selected codes / code groups in the columns of the table.

Details: You can deactivate the quotation count that is shown after each code/code group, or below each document / document group.

Export: You can export the table to Excel.

View Tab

Code-Document Table View Options

Show Lists: If you only want to see the table and not the selection lists, deactivate this option.

Refresh: If you make modifications to your codings while the table is open, you can click the Refresh option to update the results.

Autosize Columns: Adjust the size of the columns automatically so that the full label is shown.

Freeze first Column: Set if you do not want the auto size option to affect the first column.

Set Column Size: You can manually set the column size. 100 means that the column is as wide as the full label.