Creating Word Lists and Clouds

To create a word list or cloud, select Analysis > Word List/Cloud from the main menu.

Select the entity type: Documents, Quotations, Codes, Document Groups or Code Groups, and from the list the entities for which you want to create a word list or cloud. You can also enter a search term into the search field to look for a specific document, code, or quotations that only contain specific words.

On the top left-hand side you find the buttons to switch between list and cloud view.

Word List

If you want your list of codes to be displayed in form of a cloud, you need to switch from List View to Code Cloud view in the Code Manager. See Coding Data.


Ignore case: Select this option, if you do not want to count words separately depending on whether they contain upper or lower case letters.

Show inflected forms: The plural forms of nouns, the past tense, past participle, and present participle forms of verbs, and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs are known as inflected forms. If you activate this options, the word cloud only shows the basic form of the word, e.g., building but not buildings.

Separate counts by object: The word list provides the total count and percentage across all selected objects. Select this option if you also want a count for each selected object.

Find a Word in Context

Double-click on a word in the word cloud or word list to find all sections where the word occurs in the context of the data.

Finding word in context

Context Menu Options

When you right-click on a word, you have the following options:

  • Copy
  • Add to Stop List
  • Remove from Go List
  • Search (in context)

The Copy option is useful, if you want to run the auto coding tool based on some words in the word cloud. See Text Search.

When you add words to a stop list, they will not be included in a word list or word cloud. See Working with Stop and Go Lists.

If you use a go list then only words that are in the go list will be included in the word list or cloud. If you do not want a specific word, you can remove it using the context menu option. See Working with Stop and Go Lists.

The Search option opens the Project Search and shows the selected word in its context.

Export the Word List to Excel

In the upper right-hand corner, click on the export icon (a rectangle with an up arrow). Enter a file name and select a location where you want to store it. You can also choose to open the file immediately in Excel. Click Save.

Save the Word Cloud as Image

Word clouds can be saved as image file in png format. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the export icon (a rectangle with an up arrow). Enter a file name and select a location where you want to store it. Click Save.